Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kate weighs in

We had another doctor's appointment today and got to look at Kate again with the help of the sonogram machine. The pictures didn't turn out as well this time, so I won't post them. Kate is healthy and weighing in at 4 lbs, 6 ounces - which is a little bigger than average at this point. The doctor said she wasn't big by much, but this shows she won't be a small baby! Josh and I were both 8 pounders, so I'm not surprised she's getting big. The doctor says she looks like she'll be 7.5 t0 8lbs, but that can change right at the end if she decides to beef up.
Kate is already head down (good girl!) and her head is a good normal size (extra good girl!). The doctor said everything looked good. We got to see her moving around and open her mouth. I think she wanted to say something. Kate gets shy during these visits and tries to cover her face with her hands. Sweet baby!
I have started feeling a few Braxton-Hicks contractions. Preview for labor. I can tell the real thing will be tough because the preview is not comfy. We are 32 weeks and 2 days - still on track for March 24th. But I tell Kate she is welcome to come earlier. I've heard plenty of stories of earlier deliveries to balance all the stories of first babies coming late, so we'll see.

My mother in law is painting Kate's room as I type. Then I will be able to get decorations up on her walls. I've already started washing her clothes - oh they are so cute! Can't wait to have everything ready for her.


Beth said...

We had a sonogram at 31 weeks and the technician told us she looked to be about 4 lbs 5oz at that point. We gasped. Well we just had another at 37 and a half weeks and she already looks to weigh 7lbs 13 oz with three weeks to go! Wohoo for big babies. I have heard they sleep better.

Jesse said...

Oh my goodness. I cannot believe it is here already! It seems like only yesterday you thought you might be pregnant, and then found out you were...and wow, here we are. I'm so excited that things are going so well for you guys, and I think about you and pray for you guys often. I can't wait to meet Baby Kate!