Wednesday, October 15, 2008

17 weeks and photoless

Hello! I had big plans to put some pictures up and update on the adventures from the weekend and pregnancy update pictures. But the camera cable is in Josh's bag at work with him, so I'll have to do it later.

Yesterday I had my second doctor's appointment. I am 17 weeks and everything looks good! We heard the heartbeat again and this time it took her no time at all to find it! Baby has grown! And I have too. =) We have set the date for the sonogram and hopefully for the revelation of whether in March we will be holding a little boy or a little girl. Of course, I have to wait a whole 'nother month to find out...sigh. But at least it will be before Thanksgiving.

I've been feeling pretty good. My back has started to hurt sometimes so some nights I don't sleep well. But other than that things are looking good. I've just been trying not to indulge too much in my sweet tooth. =)


Joe, Ash, G, J, and A said...

Amen to the back hurting- I had never had back pain until Grayson came along. My chiropractor has become my best friend!

Shell & Mike said...

Looking forward to seeing pictures Sarah! =) Glad to hear all is well!