This is Josh. I have be too long absent from the blog world. Meanwhile, my wonderful wife Sarah has done a fantastic job keeping our readers up to date with our life and thoughts. Sarah has been bugging me for a while to start posting again. I desire to, but I am great at making excuses. But I'm ready to change that. So this is hopefully the first of many wonderfully written, thought provoking, and revealing blogs from the Josh side of Joshua and Sarah. (well Ill just start with posting, then perhaps work on the depth) . Sarah is on her way to Kid's Camp at A&M, so I am sitting in Starbucks using their wi-fi. Is there a better place to write a blog? Probably not. talk about suburban cliche. and yes I did drive our SUV here from 2 blocks away. Ill save my thoughts on all this for another blog.
So... There is news regarding my job world.
Since we moved here two and a half years ago, I have been employed by GHLA. It is a 10-12 person architectural firm in Arlington, that mainly designs senior living facilities (nursing homes and assisted living) and churches. It has been a great experience and I have learned a lot. My responsibility and knowledge has grown immensely from my first few naive months as architectural intern. One thing is for sure; I still have a lot to learn.
Well, my dad who is an architect in Kerrville, has desired for a while for me to work for him. We have been praying about this possibility for a while, and now God has allowed for a unique option for me to work for JSA (dad's firm) from here in Arlington. JSA is working on an addition to a hospital in Odessa with an Arlington firm called SBL (architects seem to have an affinity for alphabet names). I interviewed with them last week and everything is falling in to place for me to start work for JSA in a few weeks. I will be employed by JSA, but working out of SBL's office (which is located in "The Ballpark", or the Ranger's stadium.)
I am excited about this for several reasons. I will be able to work with my dad, and brother (although long distance) and I will be able to experience a larger firm's office environment, which I anticipate will be a great learning experience. And I will still be here in Arlington, so no long commute!
There are still details to be worked out, but that will happen. Change is fun and can make you a little anxious, but like Sarah said in the previous post. God is in control, and not us, so we can rest in that if we learn to just trust Him.
Hopefully you will hear from me more soon. Have a fabulous day!