What makes a weekend great for you? A good vacation? No stress? Last weekend was great. The weekend was great not so much in that we did great things (though the Alamo is fantastic). No, the weekend was wonderful because we got to spend it with people who are special to us who made the effort to come visit us way out here in Kerrville. We got to talk about important things and not important things, make big decisions and plans in case anyone ever puts us in charge. I think some of my favorite times in my life have been spent talking and sharing ideas with people whose company I enjoy.
Our house has not seen as many visitors in quite a while. Late Friday night Ashley and Ross arrived. Ashley has been a good friend of mine since freshman year at A&M and we had not seen each other since we moved to Kerrville. Ashley and I can spend all day talking (seriously, one Saturday in college we talked for 7 hours straight!) and it was so good to get to catch-up on what's been going on and discuss a few things we've been pondering.
Saturday our friend, Jeff, flew into San Antonio from Nebraska to visit us before heading to the Metroplex. We met Jeff a year ago when we met up with a team to do a building project. We got to spend some time getting to know him during the trip and he was my Arabic tutor as I attempted to start learning the language (I'm still starting to learn...). We had not seen him since the trip but had kept in touch.